Plunging – a new way of life!

Polar plunges and cold plunges are fun for some but for others a life changing experience. Christine Padilla, age 64 of Batesville, practices cold plunges right in her backyard with support of her husband Dan and four sons Drew, Troy, Shane and Eddie. She has retired from Baxter (Hill-Rom) and works at Back Roads in Batesville.
Since 2005, Christine and Dan have been doing plunges first starting in Brookville and now in training for the 25th Annual Polar Plunge for Special Olympics at the Versailles State Park Feb. 17. They do events to support special Olympics or any other cause. When they first started plunges in 2005, they didn’t really realize the health benefits of doing them. Christine and Dan had guidance from their son Drew a few years ago to help with their training and has changed their lives to a healthier eating lifestyle by introducing them to the “Carnivore” diet. Due to Dan’s back issues he wanted to lose weight to help with that. Christine already had started to use Carnivore and told the Osgood Journal “We ate meat, filtered water, Celtic salt and breathe air. Yes, I let Dan breathe (as she chuckled) It was at first hard to adjust but he lost 65 lbs.” She continued to follow the diet in support of him. Christine hasn’t taken any over the counter medicine or prescriptions in years after changing to this lifestyle. She uses all natural alternative remedies and stated “garlic” is a key ingredient in her diet.
After doing research and watching videos about cold plunges, they learned more about the benefits for their health. They follow Wim Hof videos, which is someone that set an example for them not only with health but help cope with all traumas, alcoholism, drugs and past PTSD which plunges are known to help. Hof videos also shows breathing techniques and how plunges help cleanse the body.
On January 1, 2023, Christine and Dan had decided to purchase a tub from Rural King in Greensburg and install it in their backyard to get the full experience of cold plunges. They also installed an outside shower for the summertime so that they could cold plunge all year round. According to research by them it is recommended to do ten minutes a week of cold plunging. Christine’s son Troy also stated during the interview with Osgood Journal, “Ten minutes a week not all at one time. Two minutes a day and if you skip a day it’s okay, but eventually it becomes a routine. You don’t even realize it’s already been two minutes once your body gets used to it. First couple of times are shockers but then when you do it every day it just gets comfortable.”
The family has really joined forces on this journey and has changed their lives. Christine stated, “Do the plunge on the days you don’t even want to do it, because that is when you need it most.” Christine and Dan both say prayers, do their affirmations and sometimes even recite quotes for the day. Dan stated to the Osgood Journal, “When it snows or rains it’s just really cool to have it come down on you while you are plunging. It really gives you the mental strength and has become our routine way of life.”
Even in the coldest temps they are faithfully keeping up with cold plunging. They stated that if it is not colder that 14 degrees Fahrenheit it is safe to still do the plunges but not more than two minutes due to hyperthermia could set in. They recommend moving your arms and legs while in the tub helping with circulation and gets the whole-body affect. The day of their interview with Osgood Journal it was 34 degrees in the water of the tub. In the summertime, they use their cold shower installed outside but normally the shower is about 45 degrees. Through their research has shown that it helps with circulation, inflammation, immunity and burns off calories as well. Due to the coldness on the body when a plunge is done, they do short exercises to get the circulation and blood flow going back to normal temps when they come back in their home.
They are all about a healthy lifestyle and it just doesn’t stop at plunging and eating healthy. They workout at the Batesville YMCA 45 minutes a day for strength building and cardio. The family are all in disc golf tournaments and use working out at the YMCA to train their arms and legs. Christine said to the Osgood Journal, “It has all just become a way of life and family time with Dan and my boys. I love it!”
They encourage everyone to try plunging if even just for fun. Come join them on Feb. 17 at the Versailles State Park for the 2024 Polar Plunge Special Olympics. It may just be a new start to a new way of life.