Prifogle welcomed at board meeting

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John Prifogle, right accepts congratulations from Greg Lewis, Milan School Board President, after being approved as Principal of Milan Intermediate/Middle School.
John Prifogle was approved and welcomed as the Intermediate/Middle School Principal at the April School Board of Trustees meeting. Prifogle will begin July 2023 with a two-year contract. He will replace the vacancy created by Pat Murphy who moved into the superintendent position created by the retirement of Jane Rogers. Board members congratulated Principal Prifogle on the new position.
Superintendent Jane Rogers introduced Brandy Hicks to the board members. Hicks is the Robotics Coach and spoke about the teams that will be traveling to Dallas, TX for World Competition. This year the program had four teams that qualified for state competition with two of those teams now advancing to worlds. Mrs. Rogers showed two videos produced by the IDOE with the first highlighting Milan students and the second highlighting the state competition.
Zarah Hileman was also introduced to the Board. She, along with Ryan Langferman and Supt. Rogers were recently invited to give a presentation on how the Employability Skills and Innovation Grant was being used. Board members saw the slideshow they created for the presentation. All grade levels will have a K-12 streamline map focusing on different plans each quarter, activities, increased field trips and more hands-on opportunities for students. In addition, the high school was able to add a new graduation pathway for students and increased word based learning. Mrs. Hileman said she felt that in the near future there would be more of a push from state legislators to offer more dynamic high school experiences and says Milan will have a head start on this.
The Board approved resignations from Heather Hacker, choir director and Stephanie Schwing Stamper, Director of Student Support Services.
The Board approved hiring Brooke Parker as MHS English teacher; David Carpenter, Milan Intermediate School teacher; and Holly Johnson as Milan Intermediate School Special Education teacher. Jim Bode was approved as Girls JV Softball Coach.
Fundraiser Requests:
The Board approved fundraisers for the Varsity Football team to host a Youth Football Camp in May; High School baseball team to sell sponsor signs in April; FFA to sell plants grown by students in the greenhouse; and Moving MES Forward to allow students to request donations for the 2nd annual Indian Fun Run.
Field Trips Approved:
Madison Cavins was approved to travel to Orlando, Florida to attend the JAG National Career Development Conference; Robotics Team to travel to Dallas, TX to attend the VEX Robotics Worlds Competition in May; and Mike Allen, High School Archery Team, to travel to Louisville, KY to attend the NASP National Archery Tournament in May.
In Other Business:
Hal Kovert, architect, was at the meeting to review the bid opening that was held for the weight room addition project. He recommended The Poole Group, which was approved unanimously.
SEI is working with the Ripley County Community Foundation and the Milan Park Board to bring Wifi to the Darren Baker Shelter/Building, located off the Hwy 101 park entrance. The project is a combination of grant and self-funding, with the RCCF leading the project. It was noted that in order for SEI to provide a cost-effective solution for the project, they would like to access the school’s fiber hand-hole, which is located in the south yard of the school’s property. SEI will construct a buried fiber drop from this hand-hole to the park shelter. The Board approved this request.
Editor’s Note: Information for this story was taken from the unofficial minutes from the April Board of Trustees meeting.