Prosecutor to give keynote speech at state event

Ripley County Prosecutor Ric Hertel has been given the honor of being the keynote speaker at The Newly Elected School and Winter Conference in Indianapolis on Monday, December 5.
The event, sponsored by the Indiana Prosecuting Attorney’s Council (IPAC), is held for every newly elected and re-elected prosecutor in the state, along with his/her staff of deputy prosecutors.
As of last week, Prosecutor Hertel told The Versailles Republican there were nearly 400 elected and deputy prosecutors planning to attend.
Prosecutor Hertel shared a description of his speech with our readers, entitled, “Lessons from the Arena”:
“In Teddy Roosevelt’s ‘Man in the Arena’ speech, he famously revered the actual man in the arena, the one who strived valiantly, spent himself in a worthy cause and dared greatly, regardless of outcome. He emphasized the importance of rising to the challenge, being vulnerable and taking on the struggle, because win or lose, a person should be judged by what they did, not by what they have accomplished.
“Now more than ever, prosecutors are being called on to be the men and women in the arena. As a prosecutor, the courtroom is but one arena. Others include death scenes, child advocacy centers, police stations, and some kitchen tables. We are expected to play many roles including leader, victim advocate, trial attorney, and yes, even superheroes.
“Success isn’t measured by convictions and guilty verdicts, but by lives impacted and sometimes, just the willingness to pick up the sword. Doing the right thing is often doing the hard thing. The hard requires us to pick up that sword, to stand in the trenches with victims and allies, to right the wrongs in our never-ending battle for justice. These trenches will be lonely, lined with despair, and come at a cost, but the satisfaction comes from knowing that there is no glory in easy. “
The prosecutor will share his perspective from the arena and lessons he has learned from his 24-years of experience as Ripley County’s prosecuting attorney.
When asked about the last 24 years, Hertel told The Versailles Republican that he has been fortunate to have the greatest job in the world, including the highs and the lows and the “hard” that comes with it. “Earning the community’s trust for this period of time is humbling and something that I’ve never taken for granted. I want to thank Ripley County for believing in me so many years ago and the ongoing responsibility of protecting their families and friends,” he concluded.