Resident brings concern to commissioners

At the last Commissioners meeting in September Beth Duncan of Osgood, came to the meeting to speak about stop signs that have been placed near her residence. She noted that harassing signs were put on recently installed stop signs telling motorists to honk. She stated she felt she is being harassed after the stop signs were put in place by Commissioners. Duncan had come before the Commissioners earlier in the summer due to a crash that had occurred in this spot earlier. She was looking for a solution to keep someone from getting killed. She said she had spoken earlier with Sheriff Rob Bradley and he said she was dramatic.
Duncan told The Versailles Republican the Sheriff refused to do anything to stop the harassment. She further noted the honking occurs at all hours of the day and night. (See her Letter to the Editor on page four of today’s paper).
Under Maintenance:
Craig Herbert came before the Commissioners with information about the flooring for the jail. DC Premium Flooring sent pictures. The Commissioners agreed on the quote from DC Premium Flooring, LLC of $19,200. Herbert was given approval to purchase three spools of wire for $329.97.
Sheriff’s Department:
Sheriff Rob Bradley told Commissioners they had sold a car to South Ripley Community School. However, it had a lot of major issues about a month after it was sold. He asked to trade the car out with another car and will write the county a check for $6,000 out of commissary for the vehicle.
Sheriff Bradley gave a quote for $5,516.32 from Securitas Technology for a new computer at the jail for the security cameras. This will be paid out of Riverboat Belterra. Commissioners unanimously approved the request. The Sheriff also recognized the highway department for their help on doing maintenance for the sheriff’s department
Highway Superintendent Jason Edwards came before the Commissioners. He requested to extend the RS2 contract with Asphalt Materials. The Commissioners stated it should be bid out due to more than one company bidding the RS2 material.
Edwards presented two unofficial road detours. They are: Closure of SR 62 between April 1, 2025 and August 31, 2025. The unofficial detour is CR 900 S and CR 525 E. The second closure is for SR350 between September 1, 2025, and October 31, 2025. The unofficial detour is CR 500 E, CR 300N, and CR400 E. Commissioners passed the request unanimously.
Other work the highway is doing includes cleaning bridges.
In Other Business:
Art Noel with Veregy gave an update on the courthouse renovation. He noted that he will be talking with office holders about the color scheme of the courthouse, walls, doors and trim.
James Coffey of Emergency Management Agency presented an emergency plan for the Pumpkin Show.
Commissioners approved the 2025 yearly scheduled;
the certification regarding debarment, suspension, ineligibility and voluntary exclusion police and the ordinance vacating a public way pursuit to a petition filed by Heidelberg Materials Midwest Agg. Inc. for 1,359.94-foot portion of County Road 350 South.
Editor’s Note: Information for the above article was taken from unofficial minutes from the September 27 meeting.