Ribbon Cutting Ceremony held Saturday at the NMLRA Walter Cline Range

Pictured left the celebration began after the ribbon was cut at the Trap Range in Friendship on Saturday, June 11. Pictured from left are: Justin Smith, Chamber President; Rick Weber, Art Fleener, Jeff Cunningham, Ken Jones, Mike Yazel, Amanda (IN DNR), Marty Murphy and Lora Parks, Executive Director of the Ripley County Chamber of Commerce. Parks said, “The combined effort the past few years between the NMLRA/IN-DNR and USFWS continues on many parts of the NMLRA (National Muzzleloading Rifle Association), grounds in Friendship, but the Trap Range is complete along with the Woods Walk. Thanks to Art Fleener (P/R Chairman) and the other committee members for their volunteer efforts who have overseen these projects at Friendship. Improvements to the Walter Cline Range include a renovated trap line, new trap houses and 120 shooting stations. The NMLRA 2022 Spring Shoot continues through Sunday, June 19. Along with the Shoot, is a large flea market, great music and lots of food vendors.