Riehle Runs: Milan grad chases his passion

“But, what I really like is watching my friends run.....”Matt Riehle
A native of Sunman continues being a champion on the track.
Matt Riehle, 2020 graduate of Milan High School has continued to raise the bar in his running career at Marion College. His parents, Lisa and Eric Riehle, and brothers of Sunman, are just one of his fan clubs.
Riehle has recently been recognized at Marion College for the All Crossroad League Honors. He has received awards for the 400 and 4 X 400 relay. He has completed at the top three of these events. This carries his reputation that he currently holds records for at Milan High School for the 200 and 400 in Track. Riehle noted that he currently holds those records until his brothers beat him during their high school careers. He hopes to keep the records in the family.
Riehle began running his sophomore year at Milan. He told The Versailles Republican his dad (Eric) ran in his high school years too and he wanted to connect with him. “My dad is one of my biggest supporters and fans. He motivates me to keep pushing to succeed even more on the track and whatever I do.”
Always loving racing and going fast at an organized pace, Riehle, competes for that next win. He said that he is always trying to beat his personal best and benchmarks. “But, what I really love is watching my friends run! Watching my friends’ success brings me so much joy! He expressed to The Versailles Republican.
Riehle spends his time going to college classes at Marion during the day. Five days a week he conditions with his team and some Saturdays. Fall is conditioning time, he explained. He competes in college indoor season in the Winter and Outdoor Track in the Spring on the Crossroads League. In his free time, he really loves spending time with his friends whether he is doing homework, video games or watching TV. He enjoys his faith life going to church and Bible studies. This is what keeps him going and is a big part of his life.
Riehle is now in his third year at Marion and is majoring in Marketing and emphasized he loves Sales. He is also getting a minor in Communications and Finance. He concluded, “I recommend Marion College for anyone. It is a beautiful place.”
This shows that anyone – adults or students – can enjoy something they have a passion for and get an education while being a champion anywhere you want to be.