Ripley Co. Chamber honors UR Cafe, new businesses recently

With hearts full of thankfulness, the McPhees – Ken and Char – expressed their feelings after they were named Ripley County Chamber Business of the Year. They are the owners of The Upper Room Café’, known to most as UR Café at Osgood.
Chamber Executive Director Brandi Merkel and Executive Directors introduced the couple at the Café where the 26th Annual Business Recognition Luncheon was held last Wednesday, May 15.
McPhees are so much more to the community than one identification. They are known for their love of people, as Ken says, “We were called (by God) to love on people.” Hailing from central Florida, the couple with four children in tow, came to Osgood about 12 years ago for a Love Out Loud Concert and haven’t left.
“I never thought we’d be named Business of the Year,” Ken noted when accepting the award. “It’s been a long journey.” He told of how they rolled into town in a tour bus the year after a tornado hit the area of Holton. They brought their sweet spirit of love for humanity to the Ripley County Fairgrounds Park. Then, their journey changed courses. The tour bus broke down, and when they thought they were “passing through” the area, Ken said God had other plans. “He (God) gave us a vision and a passion for people in Ripley County,” he told the large crowd gathered at the luncheon. “We now know this is where we’re going to spend the rest of our lives,” he said.
The McPhee’s ministry has many moving parts. Besides the coffee shop, they have a food pantry with Gleaners that allows people to get the needed food to make their dollars stretch each month. They have the Osgood Sharehouse Ministry where food is brought into the county and dispersed to food pantries within the county, churches, and out to Cincinnati and Indianapolis. On Friday and Saturday nights they have services where people are fed physically and spiritually. The outstanding summer program for children already has the community waiting in anticipation of what they experienced last year. They have a UR Fit Gym and an Ice Rink. Most recently, they have begun a youth service on Sunday nights.
“Ministry happens everywhere and we are so blessed to be called to Ripley County,” Char shared. She said they believe the scriptures that call people to do everything unto the Lord. “We are the hands and feet,” she noted.
New businesses in the County were recognized with Isaiah’s Image and Witkemper Insurance Group able to be there in person to pick up their recognition award. Others recognized were: Chubby’s Pizza, First Due Ultimate Firefighter Themed Party, Lambert Orthodontics, Scenic Route Adventures, Segoku Hibsachi and Sushi, Shift Restaurant and Bar, Stonebridge Trucking, Sugar-n-Smoke, The Stitchery and Timeline Tux, and The White Rabbit.
From the first recognition in 1998 when McDonalds of Versailles had the honor to this year’s recipient, over the past 26 years the Chamber has worked diligently to promote businesses and help them thrive. It’s about everyone working together to make Ripley County the best place to live and raise a family. A special thanks was given to Krueger-Maddux Greenhouses for the live table flowers, Rolling Pin Catering for the meal, and The Upper Roof Café for providing the venue.
(Editor’s Note: The Ripley County Chamber of Commerce will be hosting Chamber Night Fireworks on July 5; Annual Golf Scramble on August 9; and Annual Awards and Dinner on October 24.