Ripley County man sentenced to 35-years on Child Molest charge

Jason S. Clark, 49, Madison (Ripley County) recently was sentenced to 35 years in the Indiana Department of Corrections on a Child Molest charge, which is a Level 1 Felony.
Clark pled guilty to the charge on February 23 and was sentenced in April to the lengthy jail term. The Court suspended 12.5 years and was given good time credit for 268 days as of April 9, 2024.
In a Probable Cause Affidavit filed in Ripley County Circuit Court on July 17, 2023, Clark pled guilty to sex crimes during the summer of 2019 in Ripley County. Some included that he asked for nude photographs to be sent through a text message. Clark admitted he had sent messages using Facebook Messenger. He also admitted to a sexual encounter with the victim while at his residence on County Road 850 South, which is in Ripley County (with a Madison address).
Brent Miller was the Indiana State Police investigator. Clark was represented by John Dorenbusch at the sentencing hearing.
Upon release from prison, Clark will be ordered to abide by the rules of probation for the next 12.5 years or face the possibility of serving the remainder of the term incarcerated.
Some of the probation terms include making an appointment with Probation immediately after being released from prison, not committing another criminal offense, and notifying Probation with any change of address, phone number or employment.
The defendant cannot possess a firearm, destructive device, or any other weapon. He cannot use alcohol or any other controlled substances. While on probation he is subject to any requested test for these substances. He is to have no contact with the victim.
Clark will have to adhere to all conditions of probation for a sex offender including, but not limited to, registering as a sex offender, and not living within 1,000 feet of school property. He will be under intense supervision.