Ruggles’s have last day at Osgood Farmer’s Market

It was a bittersweet morning on Saturday, September 21 at the Osgood Farmer’s Market as Bob Ruggles, 83 of Milan, has decided after 25 years it was time to end his Saturdays serving the community with his produce and eggs.
Ruggles started selling produce at the Ripley Co. Fairgrounds in 1999. He worked at Seagrams and was getting close to retiring and wanted something to keep him busy as he went into retirement in 2000. Arlene Knudson had originally set up at the Osgood market. When her late husband had passed, Ruggles not only had his produce at the fairgrounds but also brought produce up to her stand to help her out. That is how it all started with his market in Osgood.
Ruggles started off with selling eggs. He has farmed all his life raising corn and soybeans, along with some cattle. Later Ruggles met the love of his life, Judith Damm, who he has been married to for 12 years. They do everything together, from raising 124 chickens to farming one and half acres of land just for produce for the farmer’s market.
Judith told the Osgood Journal, “We go out every morning to do our eggs and it is just a delight to be able to still do that together at our age.” They are just the most joyful people and enjoy their farm to the fullest with each other. Judith grabbed Ruggles hand and said, “If he would have asked me again today to marry him, I would say yes all over again. He has been wonderful, and I am blessed to have a great marriage with him and be able to do all this with him.”
Everyone in the community will greatly miss the great conversation and their delicious produce and eggs they have brought to Osgood every Saturday. Butch Davis,of Osgood, has been assisting the Knudsonand Ruggles’ family for over 25 years. He sat with them on Saturday and said, “Just really going to miss it, working with good people makes work enjoyable.” Every Saturday Butch shows up with his homemade cookies and hot coffee for them and the Cregars (Jim and Kathy) who set up next to Ruggles selling their honey. Jim Cregar told the Osgood Journal, “I think this produce stand will be greatly missed next year. A lot of people come for the produce but also come just to visit with them because everyone knows and enjoys their company.” Kathy Cregar followed up saying, “It has been a real pleasure being here with them on Saturdays. It has been very educational with Judith. She is always up on what is going on in the community.” Judith following, “Well we have really enjoyed the Cregars. In small communities you get a close bond with with everyone. I have been blessed being able to garden with my family growing up and everyone is asking me for my recipes too that I make with our produce.”
Ruggles and Judith were so grateful of the return customers to their market. Some special customers made a point to come see them on Saturday knowing it was their last day. People were even driving by honking their horns and waving their goodbyes.
DeVota Dean, of Osgood, has been a customer of Ruggles for a long time. She stated to the Osgood Journal, “They have been delivering eggs to me for a long time. They are amazing people, and I am really going to miss them.” Annetta Fullmer, of Osgood, stepped up and said, “Bob has always had the best eggs and big tomatoes, and green beans are great too. I just really liked the convenience, and they are always just friendly and nice.”
Connie Shadday, of Osgood, comes almost every Saturday and stated to the Osgood Journal, “I hate to see Bob leave. He has the best vegetables. He looks so good in his bib overalls. Judith and he are such a nice couple. I love the farmer’s market. I do appreciate them letting everyone buy their produce for many years.”
Otha Asher, of Osgood, is another return customer who came on Saturday to give a last handshake wishing Ruggles the best. Asher stated to the Osgood Journal, “I just always like their market. You get fresh stuff, and Bob was always nice to me.”
Shirley Hackman, of Osgood, told Osgood Journal, “I have been coming here since 2019. They are good people and so friendly to everyone.” She came Saturday to say her goodbyes and get their famous sweet potatoes.
As everyone can see from all the statements in the article in the Osgood Journal, Ruggles is a legacy of the community for his dedication for the last 25 years. It was a hard decision, but Ruggles told the Osgood Journal, “Of all the years I have been doing this, this year was the most challenging due to the weather. We decided it was time to slow down.”
Judith concluded with the interview, “A lot of good customers have come back every week to see us. The most I am going to miss is the people and being out in the garden and working with Bob to get our produce ready for the market. People are still asking us to put stuff out at home and they will come see us. That means a lot.”
The Ruggles will still be delivering their eggs every Tuesday in Napoleon, Milan, Osgood and Versailles to residents in the community. Ruggles and Judith both told the Osgood Journal, “We are not going into retirement just slowing down a little but that’s all. We don’t know what it means to slow down, we keep moving.”
Lots of memories, laughs and tears on Saturday to show the appreciation of Bob Ruggles serving the community for the last 25 years. Thank you for your service.