Safe Haven Boxes are closer to reality in county

Ripley County is one step closer to having Save Haven Baby Boxes in Versailles and Milan. At the August 8 meeting of the Ripley County Commissioners attorney brought in the lease and service agreement for the boxes. The commissioners will wait until all three are in attendance to approve the lease and service agreement as presented. The Poole Group will be installing the boxes and it was noted that they should have the specs of the Safe Haven Baby Box.
EMS Director Scott Huffman gave an update on the Milan EMS building. He noted they would be COVID testing again one day a week in Osgood. When the Milan building is able to be used again, the testing will move back there. Huffman reported receiving one new ambulance (truck) with another one to be arriving in a couple of weeks. He said there was $3,414.30 left from the $415,000.00 that was appropriated from the purchase. The Commissioners gave him permission to use that additional money for radio and computer supplies for the vehicle.
County Highway:
Superintendent Ray Toops came before the Commissioners with business. First, he noted that Pat Kissell would be retiring on September 30. He said Justin Sanders, who is under Kissell, would like to move into that position. He said the highway needs two people because one couldn’t keep up with all the mechanic work.
A plan was heard that Toops feels is needed to fund more pay for the truck drivers. He said he is asking for a $2.00 one time raise. Commissioners Kendall Hankins said there is a pay scale problem in the county, but that is up to the County Council. He said, “This is not within the Commissioners scope to resolve. The role of Council is to fix that problem.”
Toops told Commissioners that they would not be applying for the Community Crossing Grant Match until January of 2023. They discussed replacing bridges in the county.
In other business:
Craig Herbert, maintenance, brought a quote of $866.00 from Dunlap for an expansion tank in the Annex. Commissioners approved Herbert’s request for the tank, along with purchasing a pressure washer and replacing an EXV Valve in the annex.
Becky Cairns with technology noted that Ripley County has a new website. It is She said this would keep the county government more secure. She also asked about a new web design and was told to get prices on that. Commissioners gave Cairns the go-ahead to have more electronic key cards made for the Annex.
Leah Hildebrand, 911 Director, presented a project guideline for the 911 Tower Project. She said they have a set back with Hoosier Hills Water tower due to the attorney not getting back with her. She also stated they are having a hard time getting a meeting with Ripley County Redevelopment. She said an email has been set to Mr. King with Hoosier Hills Water and Ron Reynolds with Napoleon Volunteer Fire Department.