Santa is a big deal at The Napoleon State Bank

Eldrick Wagner, six and a half months, sits on Santa’s knee with his sister Maeve, 2 1/2 years old, with their parents Cara and Andrew Wagner of Indianapolis.
Eldrick Wagner, six and a half months, sits on Santa’s knee with his sister Maeve, 2 1/2 years old, with their parents Cara and Andrew Wagner of Indianapolis. They were excited to come back to Andrew’s hometown. Grandparents are John and Linda Wagner. Linda is employed with the Napoleon State Bank in Napoleon.
Joe Moorman, President of Napoleon State Bank, was all decked out for Santa Day on Saturday, December 10. Pictured below right: Barb Rohls of Napoleon, sat on Santa’s lap on Saturday at the Napoleon State Bank. She was giving him a little Christmas Wish list, but also reminding him she had taught him many years ago in Kindergarten.