SCC holds graduation at SR
The room was full with graduates from a variety of schools surrounding and including Ripley County taking place in the 2021 Southeastern Career Center graduation held at the South Ripley High School.
Before the graduation, a plan was submitted to the local health department with their blessing to proceed. The gymnasium holds plenty of people with the kids all seated on the floor.
The Versailles American Legion Post #173 began the ceremony with their Color Guard with all the pomp and circumstance a ceremony should have as the National Anthem was sung by a student from the school.
“Tonight is such a special night,” began Tracy Bear, principal at the career center, which is Indiana’s first technical school. They also were the first one to have graduation ceremonies three years ago, but had to wait out last year as COVID-19 spread through the area.
Ms. Bear continued by telling the students to “Be who you are…character is who you are when no one is looking.” She welcomed the crowd of parents, grandparents, siblings, staff, area superintendents and friends, who were all there for one thing – to see their child receive that coveted certificate.
Several awards were given out during a brief awards ceremony with an outstanding student from each school receiving an honor, among many others.
Most noticeable throughout the evening was when the certificates were handed out and teachers from respective classes would meet their students for a last fist bump and a “well done”. The teachers were definitely intertwined with the students and interested in their future.
The Southeastern Career Center offers a myriad of classes that have the benefit of putting students into the work force immediately or giving them a “head start” on college classes.