South Ripley to change course with RFP
After an executive session South Ripley School Board made the decision to reject all proposals concerning the next steps for the Central Office project.
Superintendent Rob Moorhead recommended that all proposals from the initial RFP (Request for Proposals) be rejected. He then recommended to post and advertise a new RFP for only architectural services. This motion was made by Justin Sturgeon and approved unanimously.
Under Personnel:
The resignation (retirement) of Jeff Greiwe from teaching at the high school was accepted. The transfer of Abagaile Hewitt from her ROD Moderate Aide position to fill the vacant temporary Elementary P. E. Coordinator was approved. Justin Sanders was hired in a full time TBG Utility position and the acceptance of the resignation of Zach Bosell as the Assistant Track Coach for the boys’ high school track team was approved.
Sam Durham was approved to fill the Assistant Track Coach vacated by Bosell. Zach Raab, who is currently approved as the junior high boys’ track coach, to also be assigned as the junior high girls track coach met with unanimous approval. It was noted that Principal Melanie Evans will oversee getting volunteers to help with supervision with approval by Supt. Moorhead. Rachel Yocum was approved as a volunteer junior high softball coach.
The FMLA leave request of Casey Hutton was approved. Five to six custodial positions for the summer of 2025 will be needed. The positions are an eight-week assignment and paid by the hour. The Board approved the request from Supt. Moorhead.
Sealy Hyatt was approved to chaperone the JAG students on an overnight field trip to Indianapolis to attend the Indiana Career Development Conference.
The Board approved a temporary extension of the hours of the 5.25 hour per day Assistants at the elementary to 7 hours per day during the weeks of April 21-25 and April 28-May 2, to assist with iLearn testing. It was noted this is a temporary extension and does not affect benefits eligibility.
In Other Business:
The recommendation from Annie Burns (Five Star Technology) for South Ripley’s Access Point project was approved. Based on the evaluations by Five Star, Burns recommends selecting and purchasing the equipment from Matrix Integrations for $96,385.03 with a district out of pocket to be $20,690.62.
Elizabeth McKittrick (swim) and Lexi Franklin (basketball) were introduced at the meeting and congratulated for being the ORVC Mental Attitude award winners. Principal Derik Hutton noted that both girls are involved in several sports and activities and are excellent students. They were presented a certificated of recognition and key chain by Board President Andy Comer.
Coach Seve Beach and the Raiders Basketball Team were congratulated on being Class 2A Sectional winners. Also, the Unified Bowling Team were congratulated for receiving the highest score in the state in sectional competition. Eli Stenger was congratulated for going to Nationals for Archery and the band students who participated in Southeast Indiana Honor Band Concert were also congratulated with Brittany Bradley (board member) saying, “The students and directors did an amazing job.”
Board members present at the March 10 meeting were Andy Comer, Amy Miller, Thomas Welch, Brittany Bradley, Kim Jolly, Justin Sturgeon and Rachel Lawhorn. Legal Counsel Merritt Alcorn was also present, along with Supt. Rob Moorhead.
Editor’s Note: Information for the above article was taken from the unofficial minutes of the South Ripley School Board of Trustees from their March 10 meeting.