Take the plunge for the right reason!

It’s a little cold for a plunge, but thousands of people take advantage of the opportunity to help raise funds each year for Special Olympics Indiana. Come join the fun at the Versailles State Park on February 18.
It doesn’t matter what the weather is like on Saturday, February 18. Plungers will take part in the Versailles Polar Plunge at the Versailles State Park splashing into the frigid waters – for Special Olympics, the organization’s signature fundraising event.
Plunging has begun and will continue through March 4, with 18 different events this year.
Organizers say this bucket-list event challenges individuals and teams to take an icy dip to demonstrate their commitment to a great cause – supporting 16,000 children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
Over the past 24 years, Polar Plunge events have raised more than $10 million to support Special Olympics Indiana’s athletes and programs.
Those participating in the Polar Plunge must raise at least $85 for the chance to plunge. Plungers who raise the $85 minimum will get a commemorative long-sleeved T-shirt. For those who raise even more, additional prizes will include a metal tumbler, beach towel and more.
The Virtual Plunge program is perfect for those who want to join in the fun without even getting their feet wet! Virtual Plungers are eligible to receive the same fundraising prizes, and on Plunge Day, they can stay warm and dry while cheering on Polar Plunge participants from the shore.
“The Super Plunger program recognizes the bravest souls with the warmest hearts,” said Carla Knapp, Director of Marketing and Communications for Special Olympics Indiana. Those who raise $4,000 or more and plunge at two sites will receive VIP treatment at the final event of the season along with earning the top fundraising prize – a baseball-themed Polar Plunge jersey available exclusively for Super Plungers.
There is truly something for everyone as the Polar Plunge Virtual Run challenges runners and walkers of all abilities to complete a 5K or 10K anywhere and anytime during the 2023 season – through March 31. Virtual run participants who raise a minimum of $85 will receive a finisher’s medal and will be eligible for the same additional prizes as Polar plungers.
All funds that are raised during Polar Plunge events benefit more than 16,000 athletes throughout Indiana and help ensure an ever-growing number of children and adults with intellectual disabilities can participate in the state’s sports, health, education and leadership programs at no cost, according to Special Olympics organizers.
Visit PolarPlungeIN.org to learn more about the 2023 Polar Plunge events, register and donate to participants.