Town receives $400,000 grant- Osgood to have more trails

The Town of Osgood has been awarded $400,000 from the Indiana Trails Program. The letter was sent to the town in early July saying they had been awarded the amount and were only one of five able to be funded. “We evaluated the applications based on measurables established to enhance the trail opportunities of all users in the state,” the letter read in part from Terry Coleman, Director of the Division of State Parks.
Town officials are truly excited. They released this information:
“Earlier this year, the town submitted an Indiana Trail Program Grant application. The hours of hard work paid off as Osgood has recently been named only 1 of 5 recipients in the State of Indiana. As many in the community already know, the Osgood Trails are a beautiful and serene walking area located on the south edge of town. The current trails have been in place for approximately 10 years and were constructed around existing quarry ponds.
The latest proposal includes the addition of approximately 1.25 miles of paved trails around the south quarry pond. The new pathway will take walkers and joggers along a more natural and scenic wood line, add several designated places to rest and also help create a more prominent trailhead.”
Stephanie Back, grant coordinator said, “Several people are working hard behind the scenes to ensure Osgood is a beautiful and charming town for people to live, work and play.” Back began working for the town two years ago. She assists with accounts payable, coordinates grants and helps with community development as time allows.
“Stephanie spent several years working in the nonprofit sector and now enjoys using those skills to help improve her hometown and this little piece of the earth and place that we all love,” noted Tamara Wilhoit, Clerk-Treasurer.
“This trail expansion would not be possible without the tremendous support of The Gilmore & Golda Reynolds Foundation, which will be providing a 20% match ($100,000) for this project. Our goal is for the new trail section to be completed by this time next year in 2024,” said Steve Wilhoit, Street/Trails Superintendent. Our initial plans must go through an environmental review as well as some additional design/engineering finalization before the project can be released for bid. A rendering of the proposed plan and a copy of the award notification is published here. You can find more information, photos and follow along with the progress on the Osgood Trails Facebook page (
In the meantime, if you have an idea or future suggestion for the town to consider, please feel free to reach out to Stephanie by contacting the Town Hall at 812-689-4240.