‘Unplanned Love’ theme of annual banquet for Pregnancy Care Ctr.

Melanie Bird of Versailles is pictured left with keynote speaker Abby Johnson. Bird volunteered with Pregnancy Care Center and is an advocate for the group.
The Pregnancy Care Center of SE Indiana held their annual banquet September 16 in Cleves, Ohio with an approximate attendance of 880, up from 600 in 2018. This year’s theme was “Unplanned Love.” At this banquet, the keynote speaker was Abby Johnson, from Austin, Texas, who once worked for Planned Parenthood and had an abortion . She resigned on October 6, 2009 while participating in an ultrasound-guided abortion procedure. A couple of people from the Right to Life agency down the street had prayed for her for years while standing outside of the Planned Parenthood where she was director. Johnson turned to them and now works tirelessly to save all babies, having eight of her own. According to Johnson, over a million abortions are performed annually. She said, “When God creates life, He makes no mistakes. Any child born in a society like ours is a miracle.” She encouraged the people gathered at the banquet to “pray, sacrifice, take action and to be encouraged.”
A video was shown at the banquet which honored two of the clients who were both in attendance. Both women completed all of their parenting classes. One woman was from Lawrenceburg and one from Ripley County. Melanie Bird of Versailles served as one of the clients completing all the parenting classes and made a cameo appearance on the video.
While this banquet was a planned fundraiser, the Pregnancy Care Center is definitely a ministry needed in our area. They serve five counties in southeastern Indiana: Ohio, Ripley, Dearborn, Switzerland and Franklin as well as serving the tri-state area: Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio. According to their executive director, Kayla Griffin, “Anyone who walks in we will help.”
Just what kind of help do they provide? In 2018, the Care Center did 220 pregnancy tests, 113 ultrasounds, 351 clients served, 4,542 services were provided with 1,015 client visits. According to Griffin, “We strive to serve each of these pregnancies with hope and opportunities either through our Center or our surrounding community partners. PCC offers parenting classes, baby supplies, food assistance, insurance, counseling, transportation, housing, education, church, safety and a shoulder to cry on.”
PCC parenting classes cover the needs of a child ages newborn to at least three. Parenting classes are provided in a group setting. Classes have two separate tracks: one for Mom and one for pregnant Mom. Clients receive 10 “points” per class to use towards what they need from the baby boutique. This includes diapers, wipes, formula, clothes, bottles, blankets and so forth. Upon completion of 15 classes, each earns a choice of a stroller, a car seat, a high chair or a swing.
According to Griffin, PCC is also doing a program called “I Decide For Me” which is a sexual risk reduction program targeted to local schools and juvenile detentions centers. This program strives to teach kids their worth and value to prevent unplanned pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases.
PCC met their intended goal for the banquet, which was $111,000.00 and surpassed it. According to Griffin, $133,000.00 has been pledged. Their goals for 2020 include a complete expansion of their space, a new ultrasound machine, a chance to expand programs like “I Decide For Me,” to increase advertising reach, update technology and increase monthly support. PCC can be reached by calling 812-537-4357 or online at www.supportpccindiana.org for donations or services.
In Ripley County, the following businesses and churches are sponsors of the Pregnancy Care Center including the Laughery Valley Veterinary Hospital, St. Charles Catholic Church, Shelby Christian Church, and Washington Baptist Church. PCC always welcomes new sponsors.
The Pregnancy Care Center honors life and offers hope to men and women facing an unplanned pregnancy through education, medical care, information, and resources.
The Pregnancy Care Center of SE Indiana housed at 62 Doughty Road in Lawrenceburg first began as the Dearborn County Crisis Center in 1990. The founders were Dan and Cheryl McMullen. According to Cheryl McMullen, the abortion industry was at it’s peak in 1989. She stated, “There were over a million and a half babies aborted during 1989 and 1990.” The McMullens began to ask questions as to why and how this could be. “Why would a woman choose to abort the baby instead of making a life-giving choice? What can we do? Where do those in southeastern Indiana go for help when faced with an unplanned pregnancy?” They did more than ask questions. They adopted two girls and began the Crisis Pregnancy Center, as it was called in those days. After several moves and a name change, the Center is on the top level of the building at 62 Doughty Road.