Versailles has golf cart ordinance

Metro Creative Connetions
Versailles now has a Golf Cart Ordinance in place. This ordinance was put in place to permit and regulate the use of golf carts on the streets of the town.
A golf cart is described in the ordinance as a four-wheeled motor vehicle originally and specifically designed to transport one or more individuals and golf clubs for the purpose of playing the game of golf on a golf course.
The ordinance goes on to explain that to drive a golf cart on the streets it’s much like driving a car or truck. You have to have a valid current license to operate it. You also have to have insurance coverage.
To operate a golf cart in the town of Versailles, drivers must yield the right-of-way to faster moving traffic and not impede the regular flow of traffic.
Golf carts must be equipped with all equipment required for motorized vehicles such as seatbelts, car seats for minors, turn signals, two operating headlights and two operating taillights with brake lights, which must be visible from a distance of 500 feet.
A triangular slow moving vehicle sign must be displayed. The number of occupants in a golf cart needs to be limited to the number of people by the factory setting design. All people inside must be wearing the appropriate safety restraints as required by Indiana law.
No part of the body should extend outside the perimeter of the golf cart while it is in motion. Only operators over 16 years of age with a valid driver’s license are permitted to drive the golf cart.
The driver must comply with all traffic rules and regulations set forth by the State of Indiana.
The Town of Versailles will require that all golf carts be registered with the town and have a registration sticker by January 1, 2023. The town will collect a fee for the registration, which is set by the Town Council.
Written proof of financial responsibility (insurance) must be available either on the golf cart or carried by the operator at all times.
Golf carts are now allowed on sidewalks, private property and state highways at any time.
A complete legal notice appeared in the Osgood Journal, October 18, 2022. You can also check out the ordinance at the Versailles Town Hall.