VSP receives grant from Indiana Park Alliance

HarleyJo Kennedy Photo
Tuesday evening, June 18, Jeff Seidenstein, Carmel, Indiana Parks Alliance (IPA) Board Member presented Carolyn Tully, Chairperson, Friends of VSP with a ($565) check to accommodate the replacement of two bulletin boards in the campground.
IPA describes their organization as “…a charitable organization that supports Indiana State Parks and state-owned Nature Preserves, the resources they steward and the people they serve (2024).” IPA utilizes: advocacy, research, education, and action to implement these goals.
In short, IPA works with “Friends Groups” – the people that care for the maintenance of state-owned parks, lands, and reserves. The ‘Friends Groups,’ work in conjunction with DNR to improve public lands, access, and experiences.
IPA states “We Do Not: raise funds to acquire land, …raise funds for daily operational costs or routine maintenance …”
IPA previously joined with Friends of VSP to provide funds to purchase a display case for the ‘History Room’ in the Nature Center.
Years since the History Room was established and outfitted, IPA once again is partnering with Friends of VSP to update much-needed informational signage at the Campground. Currently there are four bulletin boards at the Campground. IPA is providing a grant that will accommodate the replacement two of these bulletin boards.
Seidenstein made an impassioned plea to encourage all who can to donate to this summer’s focus (for next year’s improvements) to Trails. IPA is currently involved with a campaign to improve hiking trails throughout Indiana.
Entitled ‘Trails for Tomorrow’ IPA plans to advocate for state funding to be re-instated for trail maintenance. IPA is seeking for the state to supplement funding to make trails at State Parks and Nature Preserves more user friendly and sustainable.
Seidenstein encouraged VSP Friends Group to think along those lines next year if they plan to apply for another grant. Trail access and signage is a major concern – especially signage. Safety and keeping hikers from getting lost is paramount.
Here is the exciting part! A donor – who chooses to remain anonymous – has pledged to match funds raised in the next three months, up to $10,000 for the Trails project. Please go to www.indianaparkalliance.org to join the effort. Become a member, volunteer, or donate.
Closer to home, go to Indiana DNR and click on Friends Groups, scroll down to Versailles State Park “Friends of Versailles State Park.” This will direct you to the VSP Friends FB page – or go to www.facebook.com/FriendsofVersaillesStatePark/. Get involved with the local VSP Friends Group.