In the Thursday, November 11 issue
Dogs have always been man’s best friend – especially in World War II
Dogs have long been touted as …
Read the story »Kedrowitz court date has another delay
In a case that dates back to May 2017, there is one more delay. The sentencing of Nickalas Kedrowitz, now 18, was set to take place November 1, but the hearing has now been postponed until February 2, 2022.
Get ready for winter weather
With winter weather precipitation predicted for the upcoming weekend, the Proclamation from Governor Eric Holcomb declaring Winter Weather Preparedness Week (Nov. 7-13) seems perfect.
SR access road given the green light
The South Ripley School Board of Trustees has approved the bid for the new Access Road Project. Four bids were received with Superintendent Rob Moorhead recommending Dave O’Mara Contracting of North Vernon, for the base bid and alternate 1 and 2, which totaled $684,000. “We believe this road will alleviate a great deal of congestion on Benham Road both before and after school each day, and also when we host large events like sectional tournaments and graduation,” noted Moorhead. (See related article in today’s paper on Page 4).