In the Tuesday, June 27, 2023 issue

Some highlights of F.A.R.M. Club show
Carrying on traditions of the late Keith Yorn that passed this past May, his family standing proud with his four lawn mowers shown for the F.A.R.M. Equipment show on Friday. They had a 1967 1257 model, 1970 Charger 10 which Keith had built with his father Charlie, 1965 875 model and a 1970 Raider Ten end. Pictured standing is Dan’l Yorn, of Milan, Kelvin Yorn, Batesville, and Brian Yorn, of Osgood. On the mowers are Lydia Collins and Emma Yorn, Gabriel Collins, Greyson Yorn, and Dominic Yorn of Osgood.

OPL Bookmark Contest winners named
Pictured at far left, Izzy Russell, and immediate left, Aubrey Begley, won the Osgood Public Library Kids Bookmark Design Contest recently held. They won a $25 Amazon Gift card. The bookmarkers have been sent to the printer. When they are done they will be available at both the Osgood and Milan libraries. This contest saw 421 entries. “We were impressed with the artistic talent in our communities,” Sheri Cunningham noted.

Versailles Lions Club gives back to community
Darci Diem accepts a $500 scholarship check from Lion Jerry Wilson and 2022 Ripley County Queen Karly Bushhorn receives a $1,000 scholarship check for the incoming queen from President elect John Santen.