Ripley Publishing Company, Inc.

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7.11.23 Osgood Journal

In the Tuesday, July 11, 2023 issue

In the print edition:

Christmas is year ‘round for some

When Joana Krall started doing Christmas boxes in 1997 at Dabney Baptist Church the group of women completed ten boxes which had to be taken all the way to Indianapolis for delivery. When Krall passed away, she left the group with $5000.00 for postage. Several women in the church were in charge of the program over the years. When Sharon Martin took over in 2020, the ten boxes had become much more.

Caucus set to fill Randy Frye’s abrupt vacancy

With the announcement that State Rep. Randy Frye would retire by July 8, the Indiana Republican Party Chairman Kyle Hupfer has officially called a Caucus of eligible precinct committee members to fill the upcoming vacancy in the office of Indiana State Representative for District 67.

St. Leon hosts SIRC Series

Five coverage area runners finished inside the Top 10 as St. Leon played host to the Trojan Trot 5K on Saturday morning.