In the Thursday, September 26 issue

No. 4 OA shuts out Rising Sun
Class A No. 4 Oldenburg Academy girls soccer was forced to travel back early due to much-needed rain in the area but not before Tuesday night’s match went official and gave the Lady Twisters a 4-0 win at Rising Sun.

Chalktoberfest 2024 is big hit at Bricktoberfest
Allie Cox, 12 of Batesville, was so talented with her chalk art entry on Saturday, September 21, at the first Chalktoberfest. She just started doing this a year ago. She is the daughter of Errick and Amanda Cox.

Chalktoberfest cont'd.....
Megan Bauer, 19 of Sunman (parents are Steve and Stephanie Bauer), participated in the Chalktoberfest on Saturday at the 9th Annual Bricktoberfest in Osgood. She has been competing in chalk art with Movie/Poster, Book covers and Album Covers. She was one of many talented artists at the competition.