Ripley Publishing Company, Inc.

812-689-6364 |

April 18, 2019

In the Thursday, April 18 issue

In the print edition:

Milan wins 6-2 over Jac-Cen-Del on the softball diamond

The Milan Lady Indians softball team hosted their county rivals the Jac-Cen-Del Lady Eagles on Monday, April 15.

Ball State anthropologists have identified 26 new archeological sites at Versailles State Park

Representatives from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Department of Anthropology at Ball State University were at the Versailles State Park (VSP) Recreation Hall on Friday, April 5 to give a public update on an archeology project they worked on in the park in the last year.

Spring ephemerals in bloom throughout southeast Indiana

Some of the most welcome spring sights can be seen throughout forest floors and edges as many of the perennial spring ephermeral wildflowers are in bloom throughout the area. These short-lived, dainty flowers entice early pollinators and add beautiful colors to the landscape.