Ripley Publishing Company, Inc.

812-689-6364 |

April 28, 2020

In the Tuesday, April 28, 2020 issue

In the print edition:

Spring Home Improvement

Pick up a copy of today's Osgood Journal for our Spring Home Improvement section.

South Ripley recognizes board member Robert Garcia upon return from service

The South Ripley Board of School Trustees met on Monday, April 20 for their regular monthly meeting. Board member Robert Garcia was in attendance after a one-year leave for military duty. Superintendent Rob Moorhead officially recognized Garcia’s return to the board, and along with all board members, thanked Garcia for his service to our country. Garcia thanked his colleagues and stated that he was glad to be home.

Milan American Legion Post 235 support local pantry

The bartender crew from Milan American Legion Post 235 joined together to host a no contact drive-through food collection for the Milan Food Pantry on Saturday, April 25. There was a steady flow of traffic within the two-hour period they were collecting, with both monetary and non-perishable donations. See more pictures inside today’s paper.