In the Thursday, April 9 issue

Creatures of the night
There’s a saying in the National Parks System, “Half the park is after dark.” Whereas winter is marked by its peaceful quietude, spring sees new life awakening, with a flurry of activity occurring day and night. The evening calls of amphibians - primarily frogs and toads - are a sure sign of the new season. “As we move through the spring, different species will start calling and others will taper off,” says Rob Chapman, ranger at Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge.

Property taxes will soon be due
The Ripley County Treasurer’s Office will be processing tax payments with the bills due on May 11. Although the office is not open to the public you can still make your payment in the drop box by the parking lot; by mail; or online at www.ripleycounty.com and click on “view or pay bill.” There is a 2.95% charge to use a credit/debit card or you can do an e-check for a .95 cent fee. (If you need assistance please call 1-901-737-8686 for Invoice Cloud).

Versailles board meetings to be live streamed
The Versailles Town Hall is now closed to the public until further notice due to the COVID-19. Customers can pay their utility bills by mail, the drop box located on the north side of the building or online via the town’s website www.townofversailles.com. Customers can still call the town hall at 812-689-6181 with questions or concerns. Their meetings will be live streamed.