In the Tuesday, January 7, 2020 issue

Purchase of tobacco and other Indiana laws for 2020
As part of a spending package signed by President Donald Trump on December 20, the minimum age to buy cigarettes and other tobacco products in Indiana, as well as nationwide, is now 21. Previously, the age to buy tobacco in Indiana was 18. The change was made known sudden to retailers, and both customers and retailers are still adjusting.

Ripley County Basketball Tourney preview
Pick up a copy of this week's Osgood Journal to get the inside scoop on this year's Ripley County Tournament. Girls tournament play begins on Tuesday and the boys begin on Wednesday.

JCD holds last meeting of the year at SCC
The Jac-Cen-Del Community School board met for a regular business meeting December 16 in the Southeastern Career Center board room. Ryan Middleton, JCD superintendent, and Stacy Gray, JCD teacher, commented on how peaceful and motivating the Red for Ed Day went in Indianapolis. Approximately 15,000 teachers, superintendents, principals, parents and students were in attendance.