Ripley Publishing Company, Inc.

812-689-6364 |

July 12, 2022

In the Tuesday, July 12, 2022 issue

In the print edition:

First Place winner in Milan Lion’s Club Fourth of July parade

First place ribbon went to the Pink Tigers Softball Team at the Milan Lion’s Club Fourth of July parade last week. The ribbon was presented by 1st Vice District Governor Lion Ed Harper.

Ron Raver inducted into Hall of Fame

The late Coach Ron Raver was inducted into the Indiana Track & Field and Cross Country Hall of Fame on Saturday, June 25, 2022. This was the 49th year for the Hall of Fame.

Storms tear through area last week

The skies began to darken last Wednesday, July 6 and then the storms rolled through the area. Meteorologists called for strong thunderstorms and Keith Scott of S. Old Michigan Road can attest the storms were strong as the winds took out his barn.