In the Tuesday, July 28, 2020 issue
Commissioners hear from potential employee and updates from departments
On June 29, the Ripley County …
Read the story »Alcohol, speed believed to be factors in fatal crash
Felisha Y. Ward, 24, Patriot, a passenger in a vehicle that crashed last week on Tuesday, July 21, at 7:47 p.m. died from injuries sustained in that crash.

Brighten your day with some flowers, fresh produce or maybe a birdhouse
Beautiful flowers grown on The Rustic Petal Flower Farm owned by Jeff and Cari Beggs and family can be found at the O-So-Good Farmer’s Market on Wednesday mornings from about 9:30 until noon, or when everything is sold out.
Gov. Halcomb mandates mask wearing
By now everyone in Indiana knows they should be wearing a mask when in a public setting. Governor Eric Holcomb ordered the mandate last Wednesday, July 22 as many schools were in the process of getting their plans in place for the new school year. That takes the burden off the schools for students in the second grade and down. They are exempt from wearing masks, according to the governor’s order.