In the Thursday, June 3 issue
Graduations held across the county this past weekend
STAFF PHOTOS Members of the BH …
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We salute South Ripley’s Top of the Class
Kyla Jeffries & Ava Ralston: Co-Valdictorians
Kyla Jeffries, daughter of of Matt and Bonnie Jeffries and Scott Peetz, will attend the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, to major in pre-veterinary sciences: equine medicine to eventually become a veterinarian with a specialization in equine reproduction.
Ava Ralston, daughter of Joseph and Jean Ralston, will attend Purdue to study food science.
Ralston said she was greatly influenced by a school administrator, who happens to be her father, Joseph.

Milan schools announces new elementary principal
Travis Rohrig has been selected as the Milan Elementary School Principal. This decision was made at a special session on Wednesday, May 26, by the Milan Community Board of School Trustees with the position starting July 1.

13 years later...Raiders are Sectional Champs
South Ripley baseball created itself a dynasty with three sectional championships and two regional titles from 2006-2008 and 13 years later history was made again as the Raiders broke themselves free of a title drought at home and knocked off Class 2A No. 9 Southwestern (Hanover) 6-3 to win the Class 2A Sectional 45 championship.