In the Tuesday, March 17, 2020 issue
CDC recommends crowds of 50 or less due to the coronavirus
The announcement of the corona …
Read the story »Long time political leader in the county laid to rest
Last week Ripley County lost a …
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GriefShare Support Group to be offered
A GriefShare Support Group will be held at St. John’s United Church of Christ in Batesville. The program is being offered by Kari Rennekamp, Patient Support Service Coordinator at Margaret Mary Cancer Center, and Reverend Dave Johnston.

Youth to Yellowstone takes the next step in Ripley County
Youth to Yellowstone of Ripley County, Inc. recently announced it has received its 501(c)(3) nonprofit status according to Bill Riley, board president of the nonprofit organization. “We’re very excited about this step. The organization is now more sustainable,” he noted.

St. Nicholas School expands kindergarten
St. Nicholas Elementary School has announced the expansion of their kindergarten with the addition of a five-day a week option to the current three-day a week program, beginning in August 2020. Parents can choose between the current Monday, Wednesday and Friday plan or the new five day option that runs Monday through Friday.