In the Tuesday, May 19, 2020 issue

May 22 is National Poppy Day
The Versailles American Legion Auxiliary invites their community to show support for active-duty military personnel, their families, and veterans by celebrating National Poppy Day this Friday, May 22. The poppy was named The American Legion’s official flower on September 27, 1920 as a memorial to soldiers who fought and died during the First World War.

2020 Tyson Fund grant applications available now
Applications for the Tyson Fund will be available starting Monday, June 8. The deadline to turn in the application will be Friday, July 31. Applications will be available for pick up at the Tyson United Methodist Church office at the Annex, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 12 noon. The annex is located at 107 N. Adams Street, Versailles.

RCCF provides rapid relief funding
Ripley County’s Community Foundation sprang into action as soon as the coronavirus pandemic forced significant changes to our local society just a few short weeks ago. The Foundation organized the COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant program to assist local nonprofit organizations that are serving Ripley County residents impacted by the pandemic. Since the creation of the fund, $31,500 was granted to 15 local organizations.