In the Tuesday, May 26, 2020 issue

Jac-Cen-Del School plans to have graduation on Saturday, July 11
Graduation exercises are a top priority for 2020 seniors and their families and friends this year. Jac-Cen-Del seniors do not have to wait any longer. Plans were finalized at the meeting last week to hold graduation on Saturday, July 11 at 7:00 p.m.

Kindergarten registration to be held online for SRES
2020-2021 Kindergarten registration for South Ripley Elementary School is open and online at www.sripley.k12.in.us. A child must be five years of age on or before August 1, 2020 to attend Kindergarten during the 2020-2021 school year.

The Triplett family establishes a scholarship at the Ripley County Community Foundation
The Ripley County Community Foundation is proud to announce the creation of The Triplett Family Scholarship. In 1919, the Triplett family established roots in Osgood when G.A. and Jessie Triplett purchased the Dopp drug store. Still operating in its original location, the Triplett family passed ownership of the drug store on to their cousins, the Buxton family, in 1974.