In the Thursday, May 27 issue
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier replica seen in Versailles
Pictured above are Bill King, …
Read the story »SR staff member to have ‘experience of a lifetime
Mrs. Brenda Strimple, South Ripley High School’s Library Media Specialist/Radio/TV Broadcaster/Telecommunications instructor, has been given the opportunity to receive The Teacher Creativity Renewal Program. This program supports Indiana teachers by providing them with experiences that will help them renew themselves and reflect on their past. The Lilly Endowment Inc. has given Strimple a $12,000 grant, which she applied for about a year ago. She had applied to this grant in the past but had been turned down.
2021 Tyson Fund Grant applications available
It is almost here!! What you ask? Well, many years ago, before Mr. Jim Tyson passed away, he wanted to set up a system to perpetually assist the residents in Versailles Indiana with things that might otherwise increase their taxes. He decided that he would set up a trust so that groups that are nonprofit and hold an IRS 501c (3) or(4) exemption could request funds to help them out with projects that would otherwise fall on the tax payers here in the Versailles area! Each year about this time, we hold an open application process so that the Tyson Fund Trustees can choose what projects will benefit from this year’s trust distribution. To qualify for the funds you must be from/in the Versailles area, must be a nonprofit and must hold an IRS 501c (3) or (4) exemption.

We salute Milan’s Top of the Class
Maitri Patel: Valedictorian
Maitri Patel, daughter of Rakesh and Bhavisha Patel has earned the distinction of valedictorian of the 2021 Class of Milan High School.
Cheyenne McMullen: Salutatorian
Cheyenne McMullen will step into the limelight at graduation as Milan Community School’s 2021 Salutatorian. She is the daughter of Jennifer Vinup (Jeremy step-father) and Robert McMullen and (Erin, step-mother).