In the Thursday, November 5 issue
Shop Now! Shop Local! Win Big!
As our communities have seen the shut down of many events due to COVID-19 over the past several months, they have been encouraged to stick together and have been doing so. The Ripley County Chamber of Commerce has announced they are sponsoring a “Shop Early, Shop Local” Holiday Give-A-Way! This is to “encourage early and local holiday spending and begins now through December 7 at noon with a grand prize of a $250 chamber gift certificate being up for grabs.
Raider Bowlers win seven in home debut
South Ripley took to the lanes inside the friendly confines of Pollard’s Bowl this past Saturday and both boys and girls teams defeated seven of eight opponents in an all-day event hosted in Versailles.
Honoring our military
The Versailles-Osgood Delta Rho Chapter of Kappa Kappa Kappa with support of the Versailles American Legion Auxiliary Unit #173 would like to invite the public to view the Military Honor Flags that are being displayed during the months of November and May in the towns of Osgood and Versailles.
Kathy Purdy, President of Delta Rho, with the direction of the Tri Kappa State President, wanted each chapter to have a project honoring our Veterans. The Delta Rho committee wanted to go above and beyond to give honor to whom honor is due. The local committee proposed honoring our resident’s beloved Veterans, Active-Duty, Reserve, and National Guard member with these beautiful flags throughout our towns.
This is the group’s way of saying “Thank You” to the men and women of our great United States Military.
Delta Rho would like to thank the Versailles and Osgood town boards for allowing the Honor Flags to be hung, the street departments of both towns for hanging the Honor Flags, Carrie McNew, owner of Chozen Designs for her creative ideas and ordering the flags, and especially the friends and families of the Veterans for sending their pictures and applications.
Tri Kappa wants this to be an ongoing project so watch for information to come out in 2021.