In the Tuesday, December 20, 2022 issue

Inflatables galore!
There are more than 525 inflatables at the home of Stephen and Charla McEvoy, located at 2026 N. Old Michigan Rd., Osgood. Pictured left is just a sampling of what the area looks like. Take a ride out to view all of the inflatable decorations and lights at the McEvoy home.

Children enjoy train event at Osgood library
Children were enjoying a story as they took part in the Polar Express event held at the Osgood Public Library last week. Just as the story finished they got a surprise...Santa walked in the room!

Indians win 3-way meet
Milan’s boys and girls swim teams raced out to victories last Thursday in a home three-way meet that also featured coverage area rivals Batesville and Oldenburg Academy.