In the Tuesday, August 1, 2023 issue
Town Convention set for Saturday, Aug. 12 at 10:00 a.m.- Meet the Candidates and voting set at Sunman
According to Sunman Clerk-Trea …
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First Lil Mister named- More royalty crowned at Ripley Co. 4-H Fair
The heat didn’t stop the crowd from attending the Lil Miss and first Lil Mister Pageant at the Ripley County 4-H Fair Wednesday evening, July 26.

Day earns junior golf honor
Batesville junior Jackson Day spent his final days of summer wrapping up on the golf course, earning third place overall inside the Indiana Junior Golf Summer Tour.

Local ladies enjoy art of scrapbooking; invite others to join
Creative Memories independent advisor Amy Dieterlen is gearing up for several scrapbooking events which she can now do since pandemic restrictions have been lifted. July 21, 2023 Dieterlen had an event at the Versailles Community Building located on the town square. Eight scrapbookers spread out their scrapbooking materials and made a day out of preserving precious memories in a special way.