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Versailles Republican March 9, 2023

In the Thursday, March 9 issue

In the print edition:

Granddaughter of local couple to compete on national level in oratorical contest

The daughter of South Ripley alum Jessica (Kohlmeier) Koffie and husband, Dr. Robert Koffie, brings pride to the family and community with her outstanding speech when she placed first at the American Legion Oratorical Contest in Wisconsin recently.

Post #173 shooters five-peat at 3P State Championship

How many state championships can one local program rack up? For right now that remains to be an absolute guess as the Versailles American Legion Post #173 Junior Shooting team seems to have no limit on such a total.

Character Counts at Milan Elementary: Have a heart, be kind

Student of the Month for February from Milan Elementary School. This month’s theme is: Caring - “Have a heart, be kind.”