Ripley Publishing Company, Inc.

812-689-6364 |

September 24, 2019

In the Tuesday, September 24, 2019 issue

In the print edition:

Guide to Ripley County being distributed

The 2019-2020 Ripley County Guide published by Ripley Publishing Co., is being mailed to homes in the county. Some received the Guide last week with the remainder going out this week. Ripley County’s most comprehensive community resource guide, features information about towns, schools, and government, and businesses throughout the county.

Milan school gets $25,000 grant for ag room

The importance of farmers goes far beyond tending the ground, taking care of the stock, etc. They have a say in education through the America’s Farmers campaign. This campaign highlights the importance of modern U.S. Agriculture through communications and community outreach program that partner with farmers to impact rural America.

Tickets still available for Versailles Pumpkin Show rides

There’s still time to get advanced tickets for the 117th Versailles Pumpkin Show rides.The show will run from September 25-29. On Wednesday and Sunday all rides will be just one ticket. Thursday night is Buddy Night, so two can ride for the price of one. Tickets can be used for the entire show.