Ripley Publishing Company, Inc.

812-689-6364 |

March 18, 2021

In the Thursday, March 18 issue

In the print edition:

Get registered now for emergency notification with CodeRED

The system allows for emergency messages to be distributed to citizens in both targeted areas or the entire county. The system serves as the backbone of the county’s emergency planning and communications outreach to both citizens and businesses The system sends telephone calls, text message, emails, and posts to social media to inform residents to better protect life and property, according to Randy Miller, EMA Director.

First Daughters of Ripley County honored during Women’s History Month

Ross’ Run Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution of Ripley County would like to honor the following first daughters of Revolutionary War Patriots with ties to Ripley County. Someof these women came to Ripley County when the area was first settled. Many of these women came here as children, married here, raised their families here, were part of this county’s early communities, died and were buried here. Some were raised and married here, then moved on to other places in Indiana.

County seeks job description updates

Ripley County’s department heads and elected officials have been asked by council to begin work on updating the job descriptions for those positions in each of their offices. Commissioner Kendall Hankins brought the need for this project to council during their regular meeting Monday evening, March 15. Hankins noted the commissioners were concerned with some of the descriptions being outdated after looking at some that had been created in 2008 for positions in the county highway department. He told the council they were hoping to have the job descriptions updated to ensure they were accurate and could be more beneficial moving forward, especially once budget season begins for next year.