In the Tuesday, September 5, 2023 issue
Here’s the scoop on puppy poop! Ice Cream, that is!
After completing a recent less …
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JCD gets grant to ‘Touch Every Student’s Life’
Superintendent Sam Melton (JCD) has announced that Jac Cen Del School Corporation has officially been awarded a sizeable grant to provide counseling, mentoring and development of students in elementary and Jr./Sr. high school.

Rusty Rooster has something for everyone
The Rusty Rooster was among the businesses in Sunman on August 26 who set up sidewalk sales. They have a large variety of items to choose from. The store is located on SR 101 on the main street in town.

Versailles Pumpkin Show is right around the corner
Plans are in place for the Versailles Lions Club Pumpkin Show to run September 27 through October 1.