In the Tuesday, April 9, 2019 issue
Lady Indians softball defeat Shawe, Richmond, drop doubleheader to Jennings Co.
In her first three games this …
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Some Sunman residents put their feelings on signs
Signs are popping up in the Sunman area close to where MGPI, which is Midwest Grain Products, Inc., is moving over 300,000 barrels of whiskey into the old Deufol building on SR 101.

Osgood trash rates to increase
Trash fees for Osgood residents will now be $9.21 per unit per month. That determination was made after the second reading of Ordinance 2019-2 at a public hearing at the Osgood Town Council’s March meeting.

Services held for Everett Wood
Funeral services were held for A. Everett Wood, 98, of Cross Plains, Monday, April 8. at the Bear Creek Baptist Church in Friendship with Rev. Sherman Hughes officiating.