In the Tuesday, August 13, 2019 issue

Drive sober campaign begins now
Getting a head start on the Labor Day Holiday, Indiana State Police have begun their Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign. They are joining other about 230 other law-enforcement agencies across Indiana and thousands nationwide in the effort to keep impaired drivers off the roads.

Swiss Wine Festival set for August 22-25
Plans for the Swiss Wine Festival in Vevay is well underway and they are preparing for a large crowd August 22-25 with some big name musical concerts. This is the 48th year for the tradition that people from all over come and enjoy the great food, fun and atmosphere for four days.

Milan football hosts Black and Gold night
The Milan football program, from youth to varsity, joined together for their annual “Black and Gold” night at Milan High School on Friday, August 9. Be sure to check out Thursday’s Versailles Republican for a full preview of the upcoming Milan varsity football season.