In the Tuesday, December 1, 2020 issue
Milan’s Hog Rock restaurant and bar burns to the ground on Thanksgiving Eve
An evening that began with gre …
Read the story »OBC was on the job decorating for the holidays over the weekend
The Osgood Beautification Comm …
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Flu vaccinations available
The Indiana Immunization Coalition in partnership with the Ripley County Health Department will be offering flu vaccinations on Thursday, December 3 from 2-6 p.m. at the Ripley County Fairgrounds Homemakers Building.

Boxes and Bloomers needed
The Annual Boxers and Bloomers collection has begun, according to Sheri Cunningham, who along with Connie Shadday, who started the program locally, are asking the community for help. They are in need of new, unopened packages of: socks, underwear, bras, mittens and feminine hygiene products. Everything will be distributed evenly among all of the Ripley County students from South Ripley, Jac-Cen-Del and Milan community schools. They are hoping to gather 2020 items this year! Collection boxes are located at 3C Express in Versailles, The Design Team in Osgood, along with the Osgood Grub Co. and the Milan Public Library. The boxes will be available until Christmas. Peggy Manifold will be taking care of the Milan collection. “This year has been hard for so many families, and we anticipate the need will be greater than ever this year. If anyone could give even one pair of socks, that will make one child warmer this year. We thank everyone for their overwhelming support in the past,” noted Cunningham.

Raiders drill 14 3’s, claim opener over JCD
South Ripley and Jac-Cen-Del’s annual boys basketball season-opening rivalry showdown was put on hold by four days but even with limited attendance allowed, the Raiders were able to display their abilities and potential this past Friday night, besting the Eagles 71-57 in Versailles.