In the Thursday, December 5 issue

Historical marker stolen, again
There is a $250 reward for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of the person or persons responsible for removing the Ripley County Historical Society marker “Rev. Joseph Williams”. This is located at the corner of State Roads 229 and 48 east of Napoleon. If you have any information or know the location of this sign, please notify the historical society at 812-756-0146.

Holiday Affair on the Square set for Dec. 7
Plan now to attend the Holiday Affair on the Square set for Saturday, December 7 from 3:30 to 7:00 p.m. on the Versailles Town Square. The event will highlight a holiday light parade, along with Santa making an appearance. There will be community caroling, live nativity, South Ripley Show Choir performances, kids activities and an outdoor movie and more.

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