In the Tuesday, February 2, 2021 issue
Milan school board organizes for 2021
The Milan School Board of Trustees met in special session for the purpose of reorganization on January 11. Attending board members were: Timothy Tuttle, Greg Lewis, Edward Amberger, Douglas Norman, and Gerald Gauck. Also attending was Superintendent Jane Rogers and Attorney Larry Eaton.
Gleaners to have free food giveaway
According to information from Bill Warren, Gleaners will be bringing their big food truck to Osgood again, starting on February 9. This food giveaway event will take place at the Ripley County Fairgrounds Park, Osgood, on Feb. 9 beginning at 4 p.m. until all the food is gone. This is for anyone in need of food. Warren says Gleaners will be coming with food the second Tuesday of each month through the spring and summer months, or as long as the program lasts.
Scams are in full swing
It seems when there is good there is always bad. At a time when people are having a hard time making it, scammers are on the job.
Recently a lady called to say her elderly father received a call saying he was behind on his electric bill. The caller told her if he didn’t pay the bill immediately, his services would be interrupted. With the cold months, this can be alarming. However, she did not give in to their demands.
Here’s what to do. Hang up the phone. Do not, under any circumstance, give out private information , such as social security numbers, birth dates, license numbers, etc. The best thing to do is just hang up the phone on these individuals that would seek to do you harm.