In the Thursday, February 4 issue
Gleaners to have free food giveaway at OVFD
According to information from Bill Warren, Gleaners will be bringing their big food truck to Osgood again, starting on February 9. This food giveaway event will take place at the Osgood Volunteer Fire Department on Feb. 9 beginning at 4 p.m. until all the food is gone. This is for anyone in need of food. Warren says Gleaners will be coming with food the second Tuesday of each month through the spring and summer months, or as long as the program lasts.
Napoleon to host Community Blood Drive
There will be a COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE in Napoleon at St. Maurice Catholic Church Hall on Tuesday, February 16th from 12:30 p.m. until 6 p.m. Donors must be in good health, at least 17 years old, over 110 pounds, bring a picture ID and wear a facemask. Appointments are strongly encouraged to comply with social distancing guidelines. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call Arlene at (812) 852-4394 or visit the donation website: www.hoxworth.org/groups/napoleon.
Milan Council to decide if miniature horses will be allowed in town
Up for discussion at the Milan Town Council meeting in January was the question about having miniature horses in town. Blake Haag was at the meeting to speak on behalf of the property at 619 W. Ellis. He has a sale pending and the only drawback would be if the clients could not have their three “therapy” miniature horses they presently own. He asked Council members to reconsider the existing ordinance that prohibits these animals. He said he had approval from the present adjacent property owners.