In the Tuesday, June 22, 2021 issue
F.A.R.M. Show is back in full force
The Antique Machinery Show is back at the Ripley County Fairgrounds Park Osgood - after not being able to be held last year due to COVID-19 - and it promises to be better than ever.
Organizers have planned and put together a great show for the weekend you won’t want to miss. From Hit-n-Miss engines, blacksmithing, threshing, vintage tractors of all sorts - to music entertainment in the evenings – to the popular “Tradin’ Post” Consignment Sale – the event spans three days, Thursday, June 24, Friday, June 25, and Saturday, June 26 from 9 a.m. until dark. Sunday, the show will be open with limited activities from 9 am until 2 p.m. with clean up also going on.
Batesville pledges $5,000 to skatepark project
Batesville’s Common Council approved a $5,000 donation be made to the Batesville Area Skatepark Advocacy group during last week’s regular meeting.
Amy Carpenter, a parent and leader among the group, presented the group’s fundraising status and updated timeline for the project with a request for $25,000 from the city’s Belterra funds. She explained that if the group’s hope behind the ask was to help build momentum as the deadline for their Patroncity crowdfunding campaign approaches.

Osgood Farmers Market moving to Fridays
The Osgood Farmers Market season began in May on Thursdays in the Voldico Insurance lot at the corner of Buckeye and Eckert streets. However, the vendors have decided to move their market evening to Friday for the remainder of the season. They will continue to use the Voldico lot and will be set up from 4 to 6 p.m. There is no charge to set up a booth at the Osgood market and the current vendors welcome others to join them. For weekly updates on the Osgood Farmers Market, visit the O-so-good Farmers Market page on Facebook.