In the Tuesday, June 28, 2022 issue

Fuel for less...
Pictured left is a rare sight these days...regular gas for only $4.69! The event was at the Laughery Valley Ag CountryMark station in Osgood last Friday. They donated .50 cents from every gallon sold to Fueling Freedom. The employees pictured below served lunch: Mike Raney, Mark Hardesty, Cindy Simon, Debbie Hartig, Keith Moon and Tom Flora. They served great pork burgers, hot dogs, chips, cookies and drinks for free.
Kayaker dies in pond at Holton residence
Indiana Conservation Officers are investigating the death of a kayaker after he was recovered from a private pond.

2022 F.A.R.M. Show had something for everyone
Tractor owners of all makes and models took their inaugural ride through the back roads of Ripley County last Friday to end up at the Otter Creek Covered Bridge just north of Holton. The drivers enjoyed the ride and then walked across the old bridge that is now only open to foot traffic. This was similar to the event many of them participate in Michigan where they cross the Macinaw Bridge with their actual tractors. This was a new event for the FARM Machinery Show that was held at the Osgood Fairgrounds in Osgood last weekend. See more coverage of the show inside today’s paper and The Versailles Republcian on Thursday, June 30.