In the Thursday, March 24 issue

Fish, fish and more fish served!
The Delaware Volunteer Fire Department held their annual fish fry on March 18. This year they served over 300 pounds of fried fish dinners. Many local firemen and the 4-H Pierceville Hay Pals assisted with serving dinners to the community. All proceeds go to helping upgrade equipment, and necessities for firefighter equipment and fuel for the year.
SIRPC looks for answers - you can help
What should we do before the next pandemic or disaster to protect our lives, homes, and businesses? Because if there is anything we know for sure, there will be a next time.
Music is important at South Ripley
Music students were recognized at the March meeting of the South Ripley School Board of Trustees. Ellen Fennell, band and choir director, explained the Indiana State School Music Association music performance opportunities. South Ripley student Sam Stenger was present and was recognized for receiving Gold at the ISSMA State Contest (level 1, highest level) for his trombone performance. He was presented a certificate of recognition and pen set, along with Ms. Fennell from board president Tim Taylor. Superintendent Rob Moorhead congratulated Sam for his outstanding performance and stated what a huge part Sam was in the pep band.