In the Thursday, October 1 issue

Rezone approved for Cross Plains Dollar General
Tad Brinson attended the September 14 meeting of the Ripley County Commissioners with a rezoning request. The rezone board gave a vote of 9-0 to accept the rezoning of two acres on 129 South in Cross Plains to place a Dollar General. Darrin Wood was also present, letting the commissioners know that the Wood family is in agreement with it.

$250,000 grant could help those impacted by COVID-19 in Ripley Co.
Ripley County has received a $250,000 grant from the Hometown Business Preservation Initiative and OCRA. The Ripley County COVID-19 Economic Recovery Task Force will be responsible for receiving and reviewing the applications.

Weekend brings lots of pumpkin activities
It wasn’t the traditional Versailles Pumpkin Show Parade, but there was a parade in Versailles on what should have been the Pumpkin Show weekend. South Ripley senior class of 2021 rode through on Friday, September 25 to show their love for the Pumpkin Show and preserve a little tradition.